Wasserburg am Inn

Already the first contact with this city is impressive. Thanks to its unique island location and the topographical demarcation of Inn and steep slope, Wasserburg appears to be far from the usual. Already upon arrival, the visitor gets to see a view that seems to come straight out of a fairytale. A city with colorful walls, with oriels and merlons, a gate passage and a mighty castle. Beyond that the city as well as the surrounding area offer a well-developed network of bicycle and hiking trails. Eight different long-distance cycle track make the Inn-city the perfect starting place or destination for a cycling tour.

Wasserburg a


Guest information Wasserburg
Marienplatz 2
D-83512 Wasserburg am Inn
Web: https://www.wasserburg.de
Phone: +49 (0) 8071 105-22


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